How To Earn Money Using Super Thanks On YouTube

How To Earn Money Using Super Thanks On YouTube

How To Earn Money Using Super Thanks On YouTube

YouTube has progressed a lot over the last ten years. It is among the most popular online platforms hosting professional and user-generated content. Its popularity has been highest since the company monetized the platform, allowing content creators to earn money. Google has been working to improve the payment features on its platform and always looking for methods to assist content creators in making more revenue.

The Super Thanks feature is among the features YouTube has been working on. It was introduced last year. The YouTube Super Thanks feature has been accessible in the beta version. However, the company has made it available to more nations (68). After that, every eligible content creator can use the feature through the YouTube Partners Program. How do you use this YouTube Super Thanks feature, and what can you do to make use of it to earn cash? Learn more about it:

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What Is YouTube Super Thanks?

YouTube Super Thanks YouTube Super Thanks is a special service specifically designed for YouTube creators that allows them to earn money through donations from their followers. The Super Thanks option isn't available on YouTube's platform. You'll have to take some manual steps to activate the Super Thanks option on your channel on YouTube. If you have a YouTube channel and want to enable this feature, you must follow the steps below:


Step 1. Start  YouTube, and log into your personal YouTube Studio accounts. You'll have to install your YouTube Studio app separately from Google Play Store or Apple App Store for this procedure.

Step 2. Now, go to the "Menu" "Menu" option, which is in the upper right corner of the YouTube website's home screen.

Step 3. Then you will have to choose"Monetization" as your option "Monetization" option.

Step 4: Scroll down until you reach the "Supers" option. You may need to set up the opportunity before setting it up—the steps for this are on the screen.

5. Now, you will be able to find"Super Thanks" in the "Super Thanks" option. Could you switch it on, and you're done?

It is important to note that the Super thanks feature is accessible in only a few countries. The feature has been rolled out to 68 countries currently. This means that not all YouTube content creators will be granted the ability to access this option. If you notice that the Super Thanks feature not being available on the YouTube Studio application, It's possible that Google hasn't yet brought this feature to your region. You'll be able to turn on the Super Thanks feature on YouTube when it is made available to the country you live in.

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