How to find Youtube IP Address | Youtube IP Address finder

How to find Youtube IP Address | Youtube IP Address finder

A well-known video sharing and streaming site, YouTube is all about video and has become the world's most-loved streaming service. Many Internet users have loved it since. It's free to use, and the streaming experience on the platform was designed to be seamless, even with a slow Internet connection.

If you are on YouTube, you might want to find the IP address to find out several reasons. Maybe you're looking to create an encrypted link between two computers or give access to your network for your organization. You may also need to stop one IP number or even block a particular device while remaining anonymous.

Do you wish to determine the IP address of someone on YouTube? If yes, then the question above, this blog is for you as it will provide instructions on how to locate an individual's IP address from YouTube.

How do you find someone's IP Address using YouTube?

YouTube does not divulge any IP addresses belonging to its subscribers. Additionally, if you inquire about the IP address of someone, YouTube will not react and only reply to police agencies. Since you do not have direct contact with others YouTube users, it isn't possible to utilize commands to locate your IPs. The communication between users through YouTube can be centralized, meaning that everything goes straight to YouTube's server.

What's the most efficient method to find an IP address for someone on YouTube? You can employ an IP logger that's already been developed or make your own.

Creating your IP logger on YouTube is not recommended since it's challenging to find someone's IP address on YouTube with this method. In addition, YouTube's rigorous anti-spam measures make it hard to establish the IP of your choice.

Therefore it is necessary to use an already-built IP logger. If you are unsuccessful in locating an IP address with this method, you can ignore it. Be aware that IP addresses will only show a person's location; however, it's not always 100% accurate.

How to find someone's IP Address using YouTube

Method 1: Create the Short Link

You can use a short link to find an individual's IP address on YouTube. This can be done by using the comment section or live chat function.

Are you a YouTube channel creator with an unrelenting troll that leaves insulting comments? If they start to become more active on your channel, send a link in some of the posts or create a live video on Live Chat.

The first step is to upload a photo into Google Drive or DropBox and create a sharing link. You can also customize a random link.

Step 2. Modify the link using an IP log by copying this into both the URL field and the fields for image shorteners.

Step 3. You'll find an IP address, "logger link for collecting data," and "link for accessing statistics" on the following page. Copy and paste the two critical links into a place.

4. By choosing to change, change the "logger URL for collecting statistics" or leave it in place.

Paste it in the "shorten your link" area to personalize the link. You can make it smaller by using little.

5. When you've got the URL, Copy it and paste it into the comment section of your targeted user's post or in the live chat. If you have their email address, you can forward the link directly to the intended YouTube Internet user by email.

Sixth Step Once the visitor clicks on your link, they will be able to check their IP address from the section called Logged IP on the IP Logger page.

You can copy and put the URL for viewing statistics into the web address in case you copied the URL. But, you should be aware of the person on the internet for confirmation that they're the ones who clicked on it.

7. Utilize the WhatismyIPaddress to find out the person's actual address.

Do you think this technique is complicated? Don't be concerned. Keep reading to discover ways to find out more about the YouTube IP address of a person.

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Method 2: Find the YouTube IP address by using the email address

You can also find the IP address of a person by looking up their contacts' email addresses. Follow these steps to determine the IP address of a person through the email addresses of their contacts.

First Step Pick the username of your user from the drop-down list. You will be taken to their YouTube account page.

Step 2. This only works if the user has added an email address within"About." "About" section. It isn't possible to monitor their IP if it isn't known their email addresses. Verify that you're not a robot and that your email addresses are accurate.

Step 3. You're now able to send the person an email, and when they reply, you'll be able to track your IP.

If you're using a Gmail account, click on the upper right-hand corner of the message and click the Settings button (three dots). Then, select "Show Original."

Step 4: The user will then be redirected to a new website. The message ID From, To Subject SPF, and DKIM can be seen. You can copy the complete message in its original format in the Text section.

Step 5: Go to and look for it. Go to the bottom of the page until you find the "Trace Email" "Trace email" option, and then click it.

Sixth Step 

  1. Scroll down until the bottom of the page.
  2. Go through the steps, then paste the email message in the box to analyze emails.
  3. Choose "Find Email Sender" from the drop-down menu. The sender will be visible, and the IP address if you click down.

7 step. Make a copy of the IP address. Then, use an IP Lookup Tool in the main menu. Then, in the search box, type in an IP address. The results

The ability to track a person's YouTube IP address through an email address is the most efficient method. You can, however, make use of an IP logger that is pre-built to monitor the IP address of a user on YouTube.

Method #3: use of an IP Logger that is pre-made

Through IP grabbers and loggers already made, it is possible to find an individual's IP addresses on YouTube without any programming expertise. The majority of IP loggers, like Grabify IP Logger and URL Shortener, also act as URL shorteners. They were developed to get an IP address from YouTube.

1. To utilize Grabify to determine an IP address of someone, it is necessary first to determine what type of content they like. This could include a Web application, a blog post, or even a news article. If you've located the content you're looking for, copy the URL, then go to the home page of Grabify.

Step 2. You have to paste an URL from the web content you copied in the earlier StepStep into the box. To create a compressed URL, click on the "Create URL" button.

Step 3. You need to go to YouTube and then post the URL in the video's comments section, where you will be talking to the user you want to talk to. However, specific YouTube channels that have disabled URLs might not be able to use this method.

In this instance, you'll need to develop the best method to redirect your user's attention to an alternative service different from YouTube, in which case you could insert the YouTube URL.

4. When a user clicks on the link, their IP address will be recorded and then transferred to the web page they wish to access.

The 5th Step Now access the website of Grabify and copy the tracking code provided earlier into the box that was provided. After that, click on the "Tracking Code" button. You will see details on all tracked web requests and the details of the browser, including geolocation, IP, and address for each request on the web.

Therefore, it's easy to trace the identity of a YouTube IP address. I hope you enjoy exploring different tracking methods of other users' YouTube IP addresses.

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